My book is still with the editor but I am working on critique edits we got through 13 chapters or so this month with the critiques. I will say the hubby had a change in schedule so getting up early and getting some work in before I start work is an amazing feeling. I feel so accomplished and all before 9 am. So that was most of this month getting used to the new schedule for at least four of the days. I hope to have my story back from the editor in the first week of March or so. Then I will be starting to work on that and get this book wrapped up and formatted. So far that April release is still a go once I get my edits back I will nail down a more solid date.
February is always so short and goes by way to quickly. It doesn't help when you pack lots of things to do in the month. I thought I would get more time to write while editing. For some reason I always think this but it never ends up like that. Its because I think I will work only for an hour or two on edits then be able to switch over to writing. When its more like if I want to make headway on edits it takes me double that and I am so exhausted after that I need to rest or do something fun so no writing.

With the break from hard core edits I was able to do some writing just not as much as I liked. We are getting closer to being done with the first rogue book. Now remember this series isn't going to come out for while since I am going to work on a couple of them and have them done before I start releasing them.
For March we will be going back in to the big edits once I get them back from the editor. But for the most part I have the critique edits and as much as I can do before that. With not writing much in February that is what I am going to try and do more of also. Until next time my spooky peeps and I promise next blog I will have a for sure date on when the book will be publishing.